Work Management System
Plan - Estimate - Assign - Track - Manage
mPower WMS is a flexible and intuitive work-order driven software application that allows utilities, public works departments,
and other organizations to easily plan, estimate, assign, track and manage both individual work orders and larger projects. User-definable administrator level functions provide each utility with the ability to create resources (personnel, equipment and materials), define workflows, create templates for commonly performed tasks and establish individual or group permission levels. The WMS is fully browser-based, can be used on any device and integrates seamlessly with mPower’s GIS Integration Toolkit, Integrator™. The dashboard function allows users to easily find, assign and update existing work orders based on multiple search criteria including, but not limited to Crew Assigned, Project, Work Order Type, Job Type, Status, Asset, Start/Finish dates and Location/Customer. The Work Order Template feature allows the utility to define commonly used Scope of Work Descriptions, Startup Checklists and Safety Forms, which can be easily adapted to each work order as required. Foreman Worksheets are used to easily update time, equipment and materials applied to individual work orders. The Daily Entry screens provides the optional ability for these entries to be applied across multiple work orders in a single screen. |